Urban Mango-Bye-Bye

They don’t look ripe to me yet, but I guess people were eager to try them out. Or people were worried the cyclone which brought plenty of rain to Dhaka, and some coastal flooding and loss of life to southwestern BD (and more, I believe, to coastal India), would affect the mangoes, so there were some busy days in the tree recently.

Starting with rains from the leading edge of the cyclone, before the eye made landfall even:

Note there’s still a mango in the new set of leaves. Below was the first mango-harvesting event I was able to record; after denuding the tree of this fellow, whom you’ve seen before in photos, the unidentified harvester moved on to this lovely, smaller mango which was literally within arm’s length of my kitchen window. Sob. Oh well – they’re in the markets to and I can afford them :-).

And then, just before Eid, someone climbed the tree and gave it a good shake while friends and/or family hung out below to pick up any that fell. I’m surprised if many did fall, since they truly don’t look very ripe to me, and the net-wielding harvester seemed to have to pull with conviction to get the mangoes off the tree…

3 responses

  1. I think the bird isn’t completely thrilled with the harvesting operation and is making its objections known. Enjoy eating some mangoes!

    May 30, 2020 at 04:44

  2. John Jaffray

    Thanks for all the links, and the mango harvesting videos and pics!

    May 30, 2020 at 07:57

  3. Sam Craig

    Wow – so they really don’t wait for them to ripen before getting them off the tree. I was curious since you mentioned it was a slow process.

    June 1, 2020 at 19:34

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