Spring -> Snow -> Beach – In the Air

After that last visit to Amsterdam, I flew home to California in late April, the end of a wonderfully wet and snowy rain season on the west coast: which meant lots of much-needed snow even in the mountains of California! As always, I aimed for a window seat and kept my camera handy. I no longer remember the precise route, but I think we went about 1/3 of the way up Greenland and across northern Canada, then angled down around the mountains between British Columbia & Calgary in Canada, and across into the US south of there still angling southwest. The four big photos (above, below, and after the gallery) are out of order — look closely and you’ll see the Hollywood sign on the hills in the photo of LA just above, as the plane flew inland then swung around and line up for the southern runway’s approach route. And I’m fairly sure the photo directly below is from Greenland.  (Yes, a thing those from the East Coast of the US may not know is that when flying from the West Coast to Europe, one usually flies over Greenland, as opposed to just south of Iceland which I usually seem to do when flying from NYC.) The shots in the gallery are all in order. I think we crossed the Sierra Nevada south of Yosemite and I was seated as you see on the left of the plane, so I didn’t see Mt Whitney or Yosemite from the air, more’s the pity – the few times I have, my camera has not been handy. Oh well…next time :-). Enjoy!

3 responses

  1. Stephen Brockmann

    Wow, Paul, absolutely beautiful shots! Thanks!

    August 6, 2017 at 11:00

  2. Connie Knapp

    Wow Paul you never cease to amaze with your fantastic eye! Thanks for posting these, they are beautiful.

    August 7, 2017 at 07:05

    • Thank you for the vote of confidence and kind feedback, Connie – means a lot! Please keep looking at the site — it’s very motivating to see that folks have enjoyed the posts and photos. I hope to post more regularly again, in coming months.

      August 7, 2017 at 09:02

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